Thursday, May 14, 2009

My wonderfully loving husband

It isn't that I like to talk about myself but I have no other subject worthy of my blog....not really, I just have nothing else to talk about. So, I decided to write a little ditty about Jack and Diane, who henceforth will be known as Layne and Sandy.

Way back in 1994, I was a Senior in high school, a cheerleader(by default), and had been sporadically trying out new churches. It was December and the cheering squad was having a dance. No biggie, I usually went to dances with friends, danced, and had a great time. However, it would not be so this time. One of the captain's of the squad decided(and too this day, I think she did it just to make me date) declared that all cheerleaders had to bring a date to the dance. Well, this put me in quite the pickle. See, I didn't date in high school. I had softball and classes. What else was there?? Certainly not the ups and downs of dating; the fights and the making up. I just wasn't interested in any of it. Yet I realized I was either going to have to forfeit that megaphone on my Letterman jacket that I just knew I would never take off( I think I wore it once after graduation), or get a date. Bummer.

This is where my friend Kim steps in. I had been visiting her church, mainly so she would stop asking me over and over. She and two other friends(T&C) got all excited about the prospects of me asking this guy Layne to the dance. "You guys are just right for each other" "You'll have fun" "He is the one" "He has nothing better to do, he might say yes" How could I resist?

Here is how: I said no. No way. But then there was that stinking megaphone emblem on my jacket that kept calling my name. So, I said yes but set my rules. I would not ask him out. I would meet him there. We would not be together in a car that night. We would not be alone together at any time. There would be no kiss and he would not come near my house. (Romantic, I know) So, Kim decided to set it all up.

She really stinks at the details. I get to church and there he is. Cute, but not my type. I can vividly remember standing outside the old sanctuary in the cold with the 2 of them. I can hear her still, telling him about the dance, explaining to him that I have to have a date and that I DO NOT date. I recall her telling him that she would really like for him to be the one...... And then he said yes, but he added that I would have to ask him. (She had mentioned to him that I wouldn't ask so obviously this relationship wouldn't go far) Well------ deals off. No way will I ask him out. Out of the question. Five minutes later, that horrible megaphone emblem won out and I asked him(with my teeth gritting together) to go to the dance with me. It was inaudible because I was so against asking him, but I knew I had too. I did. He agreed.

The night of the dance fast approached. My friends and I all met at Ruby Tuesday's for dinner and Layne didn't show. Did I mind? NO!!! I thought I had my way out. I had a date but he blew me off. So how could I get in trouble? My worries were over. Then Kim informed me that he would meet me at the dance. Great!! Stink!!!

So, I get to the dance and since I am against this whole 'dating' thing, I do not wait for him outside. I did meet him at the door, but I was ready to let loose and have fun. He finally arrived. We danced and goofed off. He was fun. I had a good time. He danced a bit close for my taste but we had a great time. He was funny and nice. It was all going great. He kept asking the DJ to play stupid songs that no one could dance to and I thought he was a genius for that. But then 'it' happened. The 'it' that almost ended it all and would force me to skip church for weeks and months to come.......

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